Invest in the Physical Sciences for a Brighter Future

AIPF 2023 BOT Cocktail Reception 2 people smiling

Invest in the Physical Sciences for a Brighter Future

AIPF 2023 BOT Cocktail Reception 2 people smiling

Donations to AIP Foundation help us do big things.

Your tax-deductible gift enables AIP to nurture and develop the next generation of scientists, foster inclusion and belonging in science, preserve and write science history, inform public policy, and so much more.

You Make It Possible

Your generosity is the driving force behind physical scientists.

Making a gift online is easy and secure. Simply specify the amount and provide payment details.
Ways to give - hand with money
Make a Gift by Check
Make payable to AIPF and mailed to:
AIP Foundation / Attn: Development
One Physics Ellipse
College Park, MD 20740-9910
Please note the designation for your gift.
Give Through Your Donor-Advised Fund
Support AIP through your donor advised fund: recommend a grant, specify the amount, and your DAF advisor manages the donation process.
Gifts of stock and appreciated securities to AIP Foundation are easy to make and provide great tax benefits to the donor.
An IRA rollover allows people age 70 1/2 and older to reduce their taxable income by making a gift directly from their IRA.
A gift made through your will or estate can be a meaningful way to leave a legacy and make a significant contribution to further AIP’s mission.
Contact Us

AIP Foundation welcomes your questions and would love to help you make an impact. You can reach our staff at or call 301-209-3100.

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