Roster of Astronomy Departments with Enrollment and Degree Data, 2017
OCT 01, 2018
Results from the 2017 Survey of Enrollments and Degrees
This report lists the all the degree-granting astronomy department in the US with their student enrollments in the fall of 2017 and the number of physics degree they conferred during the 2016-17 academic year. The findings in this report come from AIP’s annual departmental survey of Enrollments and Degrees. The number of Astronomy bachelor’s degrees awarded at US institutions has been increasing steadily for over a decade and a half. The 535 astronomy bachelor’s degrees conferred in the class of 2017 represents a 14% increase over the previous year and signifies another all-time high. There were 186 astronomy PhDs conferred in the class of 2017. This is also an all-time high and represents an 9% increase over the previous year.