Jonathan Rothstein
Current Positions
Jonathan P. Rothstein is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Massachusetts – Amherst. Prof. Rothstein received his Bachelors in Engineering from the Cooper Union in 1996. From there he completed his MS at Harvard University in 1998 before getting his PhD from MIT in Mechanical Engineering in 2001 under the supervision of Gareth McKinley. He joined the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department at the University of Massachusetts in 2001 and has been a visiting faculty at KU Leuven in the Department of Chemical Engineering in 2007 and again in 2015. He has the distinction of having won both an NSF CAREER Award in 2006 and an ONR YIP Award. He has been recognized within the College of Engineering at UMASS with the Outstanding Teaching Award in 2015, the Goldstein Outstanding Junior Faculty Award in 2007 and the Outstanding Senior Faculty Award in 2020. He was the first recipient of Metzner Early Career Award in 2007 from the Society of Rheology along with the SoR Outstanding Service Award. He has won a number of other prestigious awards including the Frenkiel Award from American Physical Society’s Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS/DFD) in 2002 and the 3M Non-tenured Faculty Award in 2003.
His current research program focuses on the dynamics of complex fluids. Among other areas, his research has made a significant impact in the fields of non-Newtonian fluid dynamics, shear and extensional rheology, elastic flow instabilities, Marangoni flows, superhydrophobic surfaces, turbulent and laminar drag reduction, microfluidics, dynamics of wormlike micelle solutions, and polymer processing. He has co-authored more over 100 archival journal publications and a member of the Editorial Board on the Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Dynamics. He is currently the President of the Society of Rheology.