FYI: Science Policy News
Budget Tracker

FY2023 National Nuclear Security Administration

Latest update APR 02, 2024

On this page, you will find the fiscal year 2023 budget and appropriations tables for National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) programs, a high-level summary of related committee and chamber actions in Congress, and FYI analysis and coverage of those programs.

Complete FYI coverage of this agency.

FYI Analysis
The National Nuclear Security Administration’s budget increased by $1.5 billion to $22.2 billion for fiscal year 2023, with most of the additional money allocated to plutonium infrastructure projects. Congress also provided significant budget increases for inertial confinement fusion and nuclear nonproliferation.
The National Nuclear Security Administration’s budget is increasing steadily in support of work to reconstitute plutonium production capabilities and other key infrastructure supporting the nuclear weapons stockpile, though funding for some science programs is under pressure.